Avoid Getting Misinformation Online by Being Your Own Devil’s Advocate

Misinformation is everywhere on the Internet and it’s easy to accept and succumb if you don’t try to challenge your own beliefs from time to time. Playing your own devil’s advocate can help.

Confirmation bias, the tendency to interpret and favor information that validates your preexisting beliefs, can be much stronger when you read online, because there is often no one around to challenge you with alternatives. This is why Dr. David Dunning , professor of psychology at Cornell University , invites you to stay alert and challenge yourself to avoid misinformation:

If no one is around, you should be your devil’s advocate. Don’t just believe what the Internet says; doubt it. Practice non-confirmation bias. If you’re looking for medical information about a health problem, don’t stop at the first correct diagnosis. Look for alternative options . Also, look for reasons why this diagnosis might be wrong. Research shows that “looking at the opposite” – the active question of why a conclusion might be wrong – is a valuable exercise in reducing unfounded belief in a conclusion.

The next time the article gives you a knee-jerk reflex, “Yes, I agree!” take time to ponder and reevaluate the information. Ask yourself, “Does this information satisfy me, or is it consistent with my own beliefs?” If so, try playing on the other side and look for information in your opponent’s favor.

Why the Internet doesn’t make us smarter – and how to resist | Conversation through science about us


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