Use Multiple Strategies for Coping With Sudden Emotional Needs

Everyone has moments when they are overwhelmed or unable to cope with the situation. When you have to deal with a heavy emotional burden , make sure you have multiple plans.

As the advice site Barking Up the Wrong Tree points out, there are several ways to deal with overwhelming emotions . For example, if you are angry, you can count your breaths, go for a walk, or hit something soft. However, if you get angry at the meeting, you cannot take this last route. Knowing several ways to deal with your emotions when they flare up is the key to dealing with them in real life:

We all have one way to cope with adversity, but what sets extremely resilient people apart is that they use multiple ways to deal with stressful situations.

The site calls this “cognitive flexibility.” You can think of your coping mechanisms as a tool belt. Whenever you need a hammer, you’ll have it close at hand, but you don’t want it to be the only tool you use. By knowing and practicing several different ways to deal with your emotions, you can find the right tool when you need it.

How to Improve Emotional Resilience: 10 Secrets Backed by Research | Bark on the wrong tree


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