Solve Challenging Tasks on Friday to Make Monday More Productive

Mondays are often busy with meetings and tasks to prepare for the week, and everyone is working hard to get the week off to a productive start. If you need time to really get something done without distraction, squat on Fridays so that you can have a fresh and flexible start on Monday.

Even if you’re feeling exhausted by the end of the week, this is a good time to get through the work you’re putting off so you don’t get overwhelmed by it – along with everything else to come – on Monday. You might be putting off calling a difficult customer or hesitating to dig into spreadsheets, but the best way to stop procrastinating and end the week is to simply get started on the task you’re dreading. For more tips on how to make your Monday more productive, check out the link below.

12 Ways to Beat the Monday Blues | Forbes


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