Before You Make a Big Purchase, Try to Write a Compelling Case for It.
Sometimes the best way to define a good or bad purchase is to try to put it into words. If you can’t substantiate your purchase with a compelling written statement, your money may need to stay in your wallet.
Large purchases, especially impulsive ones, can wipe out all of your time. In his blog, the Financial Samurai invites you to write what you want to buy and explain why you should buy it. A written argument should be compelling, not only to you, but to everyone who reads it. Show it to a friend, family member, or even anyone online. If they all agree, you know you are not wrong. Taking the time to do this will prevent you from being impulsive, and the writing process itself will make you think more deeply about the purchase in question. So the next time you see something you want to buy, don’t break open your wallet, or break out your pen and paper.
The Best Way To Avoid Financial Mistakes: Convince Others Why Before You Buy | Financial samurai