Seven Research-Backed Ways to Wake up Without Coffee in the Morning

Yes, you can wake up in the morning without a strong cup of joe. If you can’t drink coffee or want to cut back on caffeine, these seven tips will help you get out of bed and be ready to go.

In this video from the AsapSCIENCE YouTube channel, you will learn how your body wakes up and how to help it without coffee, energy drinks or tea. Here are some tips that research shows will help your mind and body develop at full speed:

  1. Expose Yourself to Bright Light : Your body’s internal clock uses light to determine when to sleep and when to wake up. Getting sunshine first thing in the morning will help you boost your energy levels.
  2. Finish your shower with cold water : Feel free to take a good hot shower in the morning, but finish it off with cold water . Cold will boost your metabolic rate and make you feel refreshed.
  3. Drink a glass of water : Your body needs water to fight fatigue and other symptoms that keep you in bed. Drink ice cold water as soon as you wake up and start moving right away.
  4. Eat breakfast : Your body has been starving all night, so you need food no matter how busy your morning is. A simple breakfast of fiber and complex carbohydrates will give your body the energy it needs.
  5. Drink orange juice : A glass of OJ will give you some sugar to keep you moving and some flavonoids to help you be more alert.
  6. Exercise : Doing your workout first thing in the morning will increase blood flow throughout your body and send more much-needed oxygen to your brain.
  7. Listen to music : Your favorite tunes can get you excited and help you cheer up. Music can also increase activity in certain areas of the brain associated with movement, emotion, and the well-being chemical dopamine .

Each of these tips will help on their own, but you’ll be even better off if you can combine as much as possible. Coffee is good, but you may not need it as much as you think.

7 Tips To Wake Up Without Coffee | Youtube


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