Avoid Overloading Your Calendar by Separating Optional Events
If you try to keep yourself on schedule like clockwork with your calendar and add work reminders and life commitments in one place, it can start to add up to the point where it all seems overwhelming. However, keep the optional events separate and you will clean up a lot of the clutter.
On Muse, writer Caroline Liu suggests keeping a separate calendar just for the nonessential things in your life, whether it’s an online event you are about to attend or a movie you want to watch. She uses it as a switch when life or work gets too hard:
“Here’s how it works: put anything that is optional on this calendar. In my life, it also includes professional events, entertainment programs, local events and leisurely watching TV. These are events that ideally I can fit into, but they happen first when I feel stressed. “
Then, when you have too much, you know exactly which of the scheduled events you can simply ignore, and you won’t feel guilty about deleting reminders if you already decided that it is not necessary. This is a simple trick that can significantly reduce the clutter of your calendar.
A Simple Calendar Trick That Made My Life Much More Manageable | Muse