If You Need to Reschedule an Appointment, Suggest New Times

You should do your best not to cancel appointments, but sometimes life gets in the way. If you need to reschedule a meeting with someone, take responsibility for the accident and suggest a new meeting time.

Greg Avola, co-founder of Untappd , tells Entrepreneur’s Ross McCammon that you should avoid asking “When is it right for you?” or “When are you available?” These questions place a burden on them and can lead to endless wobbling back and forth. But you canceled the event and asked to reschedule it, so you have to do the work yourself and suggest a new time. Maura Thomas, founder of RegainYourTime.com , recommends suggesting two or three new times and be specific. Thus, they can simply say yes or no to the days and times that you propose. Be polite, apologize, and try to move the conversation forward.

Don’t Be-a-Schmuck Scheduling Guide | Businessman


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