Key Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Wedding Photographer

A good wedding photographer doesn’t come cheap, so you need to hire someone who you know will capture your special day the way you want. Here are a few questions to ask a wedding photographer to make sure the two of you agree with each other.

In addition to questions about their scheduling and pricing, discuss the following topics with the photographer before signing the contract:

  • What do you think makes photography great? This will help you understand what the photographer thinks creates an impressive image and whether he or she will focus on what you want from your photographs. Checking out some of their previous work and references will also help solidify this, so be sure to ask for them.
  • How do you use photography to tell a story? The photographer plays an important role in telling the story of your wedding day, from preparation to reception. You definitely want to hear how they plan to write this story before you do anything.
  • Do you have an overtime policy or other special conditions? Unforeseen circumstances may arise – especially delays or too long admission. Talking about it now prevents future surprises.

These are just a few questions you can ask potential photographers. They don’t have to be the only ones, and The Financial Diet has a few more at the link below. 8 Questions You Are Afraid To Ask a Wedding Photographer (But You Should If You Want Stunning Photos) | Financial diet


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