Set up a Packing Station to Encourage Kids to Prepare Their Own Lunch

Letting the kids put together their own lunch will make your morning less hectic and give them some independence. Make it easier by installing a packing station with everything you need to pack a quick and healthy lunch yourself.

Designate a place in your kitchen as a station, such as a cupboard or shelf that they can reach. Add their lunch box, portioned snacks, or other dry foods, and a list of things to take from the fridge or freezer. You should also supply the station with napkins, utensils, and a water bottle so that they have everything they need in one place.

If your child is young or you are often in a rush in the morning, pack it in the refrigerator or freezer beforehand. For example, you can portion vegetables and gravy or leftovers from yesterday evening and stack them on a low shelf for easy access. The first few times you’ll want to quickly check out their lunch to make sure they’ve got everything they need (and not just packed snacks), but after that they can be proud to make their own lunch.

A Guide to Teaching Children to Build Their Own Lunches | Kitchen


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