Recipe Steps That You Don’t Have to Follow

Some people are naturally skilled in the kitchen. They can just cover it up and their food is amazing. For those of us who need to follow the T recipe, the wing is not an option. However, there are some steps in the recipe that are not all that important.

After cooking for a while, you will know which steps in the recipe are important and which are less important. For example, I can now keep track of the amount of salt that needs to be put in a dish instead of following the exact measurements in the recipe (unless it’s a baking recipe. I still dare not give up the book when it comes to baking). This is an obvious example, but you get the idea. Epic points to a few more:

PEELING THE POTATO: How many times can you say “this is not lazy, this is great” and really serious? Potato skins contain 16% of your daily fiber, and anyone who has eaten German potato salad or salted olives knows that skins can be quite tasty. So put down the peeler! But take this scraper – if you leave the skin on, the potatoes need to be washed.

EGGS AT ROOM TEMPERATURE: Some baking recipes (such as cakes or meringues) require eggs at room temperature. While eggs that are straight out of the refrigerator are not easy to mix, it doesn’t really matter if you choose to use them. But if you really want your eggs to heat up quickly, place them in a bowl of warm water.

SEPARATE SALAD Dressing Bowls: Any recipe that tells you to make the salad dressing in a separate bowl should be discarded. Instead, create the dressing in a large bowl first, then add the greens and other salad ingredients to the same bowl and start stirring (or massaging if using hearty greens like kale).

Of course, there are personal preferences – you might prefer peeled potatoes – but they point out that these steps really don’t matter much. Read their original article on the skip steps here , then check out their next steps at the link below.

6 Steps to Skip Recipe | Epic


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