Reduce Your Caffeine Intake and Boost Your Productivity With This Morning Rule
A cup of coffee before you start your work a priority, it may seem a good way to relax during the day, but it can also slow you down and make you a little nervous in the process.
You get to work, pour yourself a cup of coffee, and then start the day doing some dirty work until you “wake up.” Maybe you are looking at your inbox. Or maybe you just browse your favorite sites until the drowsiness disappears. But if you’re not careful, that first cup of joe can turn into two or three cups. By the time you dive into your real work, you are already connected and set to crash halfway through your tasks.
This is why J. Money at Budgets Are Sexy recommends avoiding coffee or any other caffeine until you get down to your top priority for the day. This will get you to get started on important work faster (because you really want coffee) and is likely to lower your overall caffeine intake. One or two cups a day may be all you need, as long as you really save them for when you need them.
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