Glassdoor’s Know Your Value Helps You Know How Much You Should Pay

In a culture where people talk about their salary in a rude way , it is difficult to know how much you are really worth. Employer reviews site Glassdoor has a new tool called Know Your Value to help you find out how much your job is worth in the marketplace.

Glassdoor has an extensive database of employer testimonials where current or former employees can share their salary. The company used this to create a tool that compares your current salary, experience level, and location to determine how much you might be earning elsewhere. It will even help connect you to possible vacancies if you want to look elsewhere.

Of course, Glassdoor can only give a rough estimate. Your real “value” is what the company is willing to pay for your skill. However, if you find that your estimated cost is significantly higher than what you actually get paid, it might be time to start looking for a job again. And if it turns out that you get paid more than you are worth … well, just don’t let your boss know about it.

Know your dignity | Glass door


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