Stop Looking for a Mentor and Choose One-Time Classes Instead

When you are trying to make a career, you need to find a mentor to guide you through the ups and downs. But you don’t have to limit a mentor to get all this great help and advice.

In this video from Business Insider’s YouTube channel, Jenny Blake, career strategist and author of Pivot: The Only Move that Matters is Your Next One , invites you to try signing up for one-off sessions with people you think can help you. Reach out to them and ask if you are on the phone for 10-20 minutes, walking with them, chatting over lunch, or even joining them for exercise if you go to the same gym. One-off lessons will help you avoid the awkward question: “Will you be my mentor?” question and that might make them more inclined to help you. If things go well, you can always answer later. It also leaves you open to mentoring from others, which can help you see multiple points of view.

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