Ask Google Home for Music Notes to Help You Tune In

Google Home brings most of Google ‘s awesome voice commands to your living room, but it also has a few tricks of its own. For example, you can use it to play musical notes so you can tune in.

As highlighted in Android Police, Google Home can respond to multiple musical commands. Ask him to “play E flat” and he will play six octaves of the note you requested. If the note is not flat or harsh, you may need to add the word “note” to the end, as in “play the note B”. The site also points out that this may work in Google Assistant on the Pixel, but it’s a little finicky and may not always work correctly.

This feature is a bit handy, but not perfect. Sometimes he misinterprets the command and starts playing music. He also cannot play scales or anything more complex than a single note. However, this is a handy little trick for the musician in your family.

Feeling bad, musicians? Google Home can play you a key – just ask it


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