Raspberry Pi Operating System, PIXEL, Can Now Run on Older Macs and PCs
The newest Raspberry Pi operating system, PIXEL, is pretty good , but has always been limited to just the Raspberry Pi. Now you can test it on Mac or PC.
To use the PIXEL, you just need to burn a live DVD or live USB and then boot from it . For this, the Raspberry Pi Foundation recommends using Etcher , an easy-to-use tool that makes it easy to create a bootable DVD or USB. This is a pretty handy way to not only test your PIXEL, but also make things easier if you don’t feel like setting up your Raspberry Pi to test something. The PIXEL is identical to its Pi counterpart, with the exception of Minecraft and Wolfram Alpha, as these licenses do not apply to Raspberry Pi hardware. You will find everything you need in a blog post from The Raspberry Pi Foundation.
PIXEL for PC and Mac | Raspberry Pi Foundation