Notify Your Bank Prior to Travel to Avoid Additional Charges When Using Cards
It is recommended that you inform your bank before traveling abroad so that it does not block access to your card when you need it. However, you must also notify them so that you can reduce the fees you will pay while you are away.
As the personal finance site One Cent at a Time points out, many banks charge additional fees when you withdraw or spend money while abroad. If you tell your bank that you will be traveling, you can convince them to drop those fees ahead of time, saving you some money where you need them most.
Even if your bank doesn’t give up on its traditional overseas fees, it’s still a good idea to speak with your bank before leaving. First, these fees can vary depending on where you are traveling, so you can budget ahead of time simply by asking how much it will cost to use your card in another country. Plus, if your bank knows you are traveling, it is less likely to block your card when it sees transactions on your statement from another country.
How To Manage Your Money Abroad | One cent at a time