Do You Shower in the Morning or Evening?

This may seem like a fairly simple question, but we are ready to stake not only on this decision. You may have a habit, such as showering in the morning to recharge and energize for the day, or showering at the end to wash away the stress and grime of a long day. What is it for you?

Personally, I shower in the morning because I need water, cold at first and then hot, to invigorate and energize, otherwise I practically walk asleep during the first half of the day. However, I had a conversation with a friend who noticed that this means that when I get home from work, I pretty much sit and sleep in the mud, accumulated stress and tension that I have accumulated throughout the day. This is not a bad moment, and it is true that in some places it is more appropriate to shower at the end of the day than to swim at the beginning. Instead, it requires a quick dishwashing in the morning (unlike me in the evening), and you walk out the door to get on with the day with a fresh face.

What do you prefer? How does this fit into your daily routine? Let us know in the comments below.


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