An Easy Way to Give Out Cash or Gift Cards and Keep Your Gift Individually
An envelope of money or a gift card is certainly useful, but is sometimes seen as an impersonal gift. You can avoid this oversight by adding a thoughtful note to it.
Food52 spoke with Diane Gottsman and Amy Alcon, who write about good manners. Gotzman and Alcon were unanimous that everyone appreciated getting cash. But they added:
The main thing is to write a thoughtful note to accompany this. (So not just one of those little business cards with no sticky notes, but a real postcard that you write on!) Although Diana warned that giving a gift card to someone you are very, very close with can feel “cold” – Amy suggested. that as long as you write a note explaining why you got it for them and what it was, in fact, for a good reason, you don’t understand anything. “Take some time to write this post!” – she said.
There is no template for this. It’s about the personal and meaning of each word you say on the card.
Gift and Giving Etiquette Guide | Food52