This Is What Facebook Messenger Ads Look Like and How to Avoid Them

A few months ago, Facebook announced plans to start serving ads on Messenger. Now we have got an idea of ​​how they will look. They are huge and unpleasant. Moral of the story: Never tell brands.

According to the company’s blog post about the change, “sponsored posts,” as ads are called, will appear in a module below your conversation list. This section will be similar to sections showing who is currently active or your favorite contacts. However, as shown in the image above, sponsored posts will take up a lot more space than these sections.

Fortunately, it is very easy to avoid ads. Facebook will only show a sponsored posts section if you first start a conversation with a company or brand. So, if you never start a conversation with Wendy’s , you won’t see hamburger ads in your messaging app. At least in theory. Facebook is testing these ads in Australia and Thailand right now, although they may appear in other countries in the coming months.

Testing the Way People and Businesses Interact with Messenger | Facebook


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