Flight Attendant Tips on How to Survive a Plane Crash
You may not be guessing this from an imaginary picture of a “plane crash”, but most real ones, like planes sliding off a runway and the like, can survive. On Quora, Cheryl A. Schwartz, a retired flight attendant, offered some helpful tips to help you survive and get off the plane safely.
Some sentences are predictable, but so important that you have to keep them in mind. Simple things like actually spending some time in flight reading the safety card in the back of the seat in front of you and paying close attention to the flight safety video and flight attendant instructions at the start of the flight. critical. It also reminds us all to pay close attention to where we are on the plane and to know where our nearest exit is. As they say before every flight, he can be behind you and this can make a big difference when you are trying to evacuate in a hurry.
Schwartz also notes:
FIND OUT HOW TO CHOOSE THE BEST STAPLE POSITION. If you are sitting in front of you, cross your arms on the back of the seat in front of you and rest your forehead on your folded arms. You are about to dash during a collision, but leaning on your head in front of you decreases the impact distance and you are less likely to get whiplash injuries to the head and neck. If there is no seat in front of you, lean as far as possible and wrap your legs around your knees. Of course, you will hold the seat belt tight, tight, tight.
PROTECT AGAINST LUGGAGE DROP. Protect your head, neck, and back with a blanket, jacket, coat, or whatever else you need to cushion the impact of overhead luggage flying in and out of you and the collapsing ceiling.
Finally, she notes something else that is really important, namely the ability to act without waiting for someone else’s explicit direction. Ideally, the flight attendant will guide people after the accident, but don’t use that as an excuse not to use their own head and get out safely. Leave your belongings (seriously, she explains in the thread below, trying to pack your belongings or finding a bag will cost you your life) and exit through the nearest exit as quickly as possible:
Most accidents can be survived. However, in survivable accidents, investigators at the crash site find dead passengers without a scratch, who are still wearing their seat belts. Sometimes the passenger just waited for someone to individually tell them to unbuckle their seat belt and get out, or they didn’t know what to do. This is why you need to know what to do before take off. Or perhaps the dead passengers experienced negative panic and simply froze in their seats. We are taught to return to a crashed plane to rescue such passengers. The first mate also goes through the plane looking for passengers. But if there is fire and the smoke has become so thick that return is impossible, then we will not be able to save those who remain in their places.
The rest of her answer goes into all of this in detail, so be sure to check it out – and enjoy your flight next time.
When a plane crashes and kills all its passengers, what exactly is causing the deaths? | Quora