15 Once Great Movies, the Pandemic Is Completely Ruined

There’s some new silliness in the wind, you might not be surprised to learn, in shape, uh, a viral meme suggesting it was a failed vaccination program that created the “zombies” in I Am Legend . This seems to be a reason to be wary of real COVID vaccines.

There are a couple of problems here: the monsters were vampires, not zombies, and their origin story had nothing to say about the vaccination program – the vampirism was actually triggered by a virus [audit trail]. Also, perhaps more importantly: THE FILM IS HIGHLIGHTS.

If even one person refuses the life-saving vaccine just because he cannot distinguish vampires from zombies from reality, this is too much. More insidiously, the meme was used to reinforce the idea that epidemiology in general is somewhat suspicious. Either way, it kind of limits the prospect of redefining what should be a fun, albeit harrowing, sci-fi thriller.

I Am Legend is not the only film to be re-colored in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Depending on your mood, you may find that they are perfect for you and our time. Or you may find that they are now banged so uncomfortably close to home that you never want to watch them again.


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