“Pessimism Is a Cure for Anger”

We tend to think that anger has a negative pessimistic feeling. However, in reality, this is due to optimism. Anger is often a reaction to disappointment after we are optimistic about something.

As the School of Life explains, we often get angry because we hope for a situation, but it deviates from that optimistic path. For example, you are hoping for a great long-term relationship, so you get very angry when your partner ends it. Or maybe you were optimistic about your friend and then angry because she’s always too busy to see you.

If you want to understand how to let go of anger, this is an important point. This is what the School of Life offers:

Our agitation is not constant or invincible. This is just the result of a sudden failure of our expectations. So, to grow steadily, we need to become less optimistic about how life might turn out. Pessimism is the cure for anger.

This is consistent with the old adage, “Expect the worst, but hope for the best.” Pessimism gets a bad rap, but it can actually serve a purpose . To find out more about the School of Life, follow the link below.

How not to get angry all the time | School of Life (YouTube)


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