RioFolio Allows You to Receive Self-Determined Rewards for Developing Good Habits

Internet: There are many apps that can track your progress based on habit , but most of them only offer personal satisfaction as a reward. RioFolio, on the other hand, allows you to earn points for your own reward system.

RioFolio works the same way as most habit trackers. You enter some habits that you want to form, and then every day that you do them, you log in and check them off. Most trackers, however, stop there. RioFolio, on the other hand, will give you some points for your habits.

You can exchange these points for “rewards” of your choice. RioFolio offers everything from watching YouTube videos to buying new clothes. You can set different levels of rewards and the number of points required to receive them. So, for example, you can set it up so that you can only buy a cheeseburger after ten workouts.

The RioFolio system naturally depends on your own self-control. In any case, nothing stops you from watching YouTube all day. However, if it helps you connect external rewards to your daily habits, rather than just building an app-directed habit, RioFolio is a great alternative.



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