How to Tell Someone You Have an STD

Sexually transmitted diseases are not uncommon – half of us will have them at some point in our lives. It’s important to let your partner know if you know you have one, and this video from Planned Parenthood will show you how.

The video conversations are really awkward. However, cringe and bear with it, because each example ends up saying that couples are better off being honest with each other. You can see examples of how to behave on either side of the conversation. If you are the kind of person who has already come to terms with your diagnosis, this may mean that you explain to your partner what exactly this means to him.

Examples include reporting chlamydia from a guy he met by chance; a man tells his partner about HIV before their relationship turns into a sexual relationship; and a young woman with herpes introduces her girlfriend to the dams.

How To Tell Someone You Have An STD | Planned paternity


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