Highest Mark-up Restaurant Food Supplements

Food in a restaurant costs a lot more than food you cook at home – you know that. But you might not realize that these add-ons, like the adorable guac on your burrito, can turn out to be one of the costliest offenders.

Long gone are the days when it cost 50 cents to add cheese to a burger. It now costs about three times as much. Most restaurant add-ons require an additional $ 1 to $ 3, depending on position, as data analysts at Priceonomics explain . And, you guessed it, these items cost next to nothing to the restaurant.

For example, adding meat to a pizza will cost you an average of $ 3 for the extra filling, but for a pizzeria it only costs 48 cents. That’s a whopping 525% markup per item. The same markings for vegetables and on your pie. For you, that’s $ 2 per supplement, but at the restaurant it’s only 32 cents. In fact, pizza as a whole has the highest mark-up of any restaurant meal. Regular pizza “Margarita” makes up about 580%, and meat lovers – 636%.

If we go back to hamburgers, adding cheese now costs you an average of $ 1.50 instead of the 29 cents they pay, a 417% mark-up. The average cost of a restaurant burger is around $ 9, so the addition of cheese is $ 10.50. Now the total markup on your burger has jumped from 384% to 436%. Of course, none of this is shocking if you are familiar with the restaurant business. After all, these markups are how restaurants make money, and they’re not going anywhere. However, there are some add-ons that are slightly more valuable than others. Like a good old guac.

Adding guacamole to a burrito costs an average of $ 2, but in a restaurant it costs about 52 cents a serving. This is only a 285% markup, which is relatively small. And if a restaurant offers a “deluxe” version of the burrito, which automatically includes several flavors such as guacamole, sour cream and pepper, the markup will be significantly less. According to Priceonomics , a standard meat burrito has an average mark-up of about 346%. The premium for the deluxe version is only about 158%. However, sour cream itself has a huge mark-up – 425%. So if you want guac and sour cream to accompany your burrito, definitely go for the deluxe version if that’s an option.


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