Hate the New Look of Twitter? Roll It Back Using a Chrome Extension
Today Twitter, a social network known for not banning Nazis from accessing its site, unveiled a redesign that reflected everyone’s favorite polarizing design choices: everything curved everything. Your profile photo is now round instead of square, buttons are oblong, and icons are completely childish.
Other aspects of the redesign extend to its iOS and Android apps, including a side navigation menu, bolder typography, and real-time updates to the mobile app. According to the company blog, he fixed what we didn’t like, including square profile photos, apparently:
Today, thanks to a lot of your feedback and ideas, we are also updating our product, making it lighter, faster and easier to use. We have listened carefully and preserved what you love. And for what you didn’t, we took a new approach to fix and improve.
It also made Twitter users think the company was more concerned with form than function, wasting time recycling what was not broken instead of grappling with issues like harassment and poisonous white supremacist accounts.
If you’re nostalgic for a time when photos were square and the world was clean, designer Kai Brueckers has a nice nice Chrome extension for you to roll back the clock by the start of the week.
Twitter Debubbler ™ does what it says on the tin: It removes Twitter’s new hot-tempered redesign, replacing it with a more balanced and angular design (literally) yesterday. Who knows how long the extension will last, but as long as it works, I keep it running. The circles are so square anyway.