Sleep Well After Exercising in the Evening by Changing Your Eating Schedule

Look, not all of us can fit in a 5am workout or lunch break with our own weight . Because of this, many of us exercise in the evenings, but exercising too late can leave you too energetic to sleep. The experts say wait a minute – you’re not awake not your workout in the evenings. It eats .

Sleep specialist Charles Chaisler told the Washington Post that you can disrupt your circadian rhythms – that is, your body’s sense of what time it is now – if you eat after sunset. So if you ended up jogging or playing with the hoop in the dark, your schedule messed up after your post-workout meal and not the exercise itself.

So there are several ways to fix this. If this happens from time to time and you don’t feel hungry afterward, skip your post-workout meal. But most of us will want to eat after exercise, as this is a great time to replenish muscle carbs and provide protein for growth and strength .

This means you will have to reschedule your workout so you have enough time to eat while it is still daylight. For example, if the sun goes down at 9:00 pm, start your 1 hour run at 7:30 am, finish at 8:30 am, and eat your carefully prepared food right away. Chaisler thinks it’s best if you eat within a 12-hour window, for example, from 9 am to 9 pm, so you can also plan ahead and delay breakfast.


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