How to Remove a Holiday Bracelet Using a Plastic Bag

Whenever I go to festivals or other events with bracelets, I always try to keep the bracelet on so that it can be easily removed later. I love keeping them as souvenirs, and cutting them spoils in my opinion. Also, if you happen to buy a three-day festival pass and you want your friend to use your pass during the day, you should be able to take it off and on without ripping or cutting it (not that I ” I ever did it).

Taking off the bracelet can be an exercise in seeing how small you can make your hand and how you can bend it without breaking anything. Just in time for the end of the festival season, Hacks World recently posted a video that greatly simplifies the process using only a plastic bag.

To do this, stick your hand into a plastic bag, like at a grocery store or gas station, by pulling on the bottom of the bag on the strap of the bracelet. Then, pull the end of the bag over the top of the bracelet and pull it towards your fist, pulling the bag off your hand and taking the bracelet with you.

Is it confusing? Here’s a short video showing how it works:

Unfortunately, the reverse trick does not work, so if you pass the bracelet to a friend, he or she would rather have a tiny wrist.


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