Use a Pencil to Freeze the Sauce in Portions That Can Be Used

Filling the freezer with sauces, soups, and smoothies makes dinner quick and easy on busy weeknights, but defrosting an entire bag can be difficult when you only need a few spoonfuls of liquid. The pencil will help you distribute the liquid so you can pick up what you need.

If you don’t have a pencil on hand, you can also use a chopstick or kitchen utensil pen. You just need something that fits the length of the bag, has a narrow width, and is freezer-resistant. This will help you separate the frozen liquid into portions because the pencil (or other object) creates a separation in the liquid, making it easier to rip off the portion instead of defrosting the entire bag.

Since you will be folding the bag, do not fill it completely with sauce. After packing the sauce, place the pencil wherever you want to divide the portions, fold and place in the freezer. I wiggled my chopstick to make sure it flakes well in the sauce. When freezing, make sure your bag is on a fairly level surface. After freezing, remove the pencil and fold the sauces for compact storage in the freezer.


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