Don’t Pay for Classic Books When You’re Heading Back to School

If you’re heading back to school, no doubt you have a long list of essential reading materials. Whether it’s a classic like The Great Gatsby or a more obscure title like A Farewell to Arms , you should avoid spending more money in addition to the money you pay for your semester’s textbooks. Quartz Compiled There are many free reading resources available if you want to stock up on great literature, and you can read it just about anywhere, even if you can’t go to the library.

Shakespeare Fans Must Visit Massachusetts Institute of Technology

To read the writings of playwright William Shakespeare, see the Complete Works of William Shakespeare at MIT. The works are divided into four categories: comedy, history, tragedy, and poetry.

Library of Congress Returns is a website maintained by the Library of Congress for free downloads of books and other literature. The books are scanned and you’ll need to read them in a browser window, but with a selection of both classic and obscure titles, you’re likely to find something you can’t get in a traditional bookstore or library.

Scribd, Book Netflix

If you’re willing to pay a subscription fee for some reading material, give Scribd a try. For $ 9 a month, you get access to articles from sites like The New York Times, as well as a complete library of books as well as audiobooks.

Project Gutenberg, a paradise for the public

For open source books that you can download to an eBook, Project Gutenberg is an invaluable resource. With over 54,000 open source eBooks to choose from, an updated list of recently added books and top download titles, you can enjoy the best of classics on any device you have. Better to wait to update the classic title, whether physical or digital. It’s free, but donations are required to keep the work going.

OverDrive and your library

OverDrive is the backbone of many e-books offered by libraries. Sign up for OverDrive , enter your public library credentials, and browse eBooks, audiobooks, and other digital media. You can send books to your Kindle or use them in the OverDrive app on iOS and Android.

You can pause the use of different books, request books that are not currently available in your library, and check out books in multiple languages ​​where supported. OverDrive recently launched Libby , essentially an updated version of OverDrive that lets you sample books, stream audiobooks, and sync notes and bookmarks across your devices.

How To Access Free And Legal Copies Of Classical English And American Literature On The Internet | Quartz


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