What’s Your Favorite Subreddit?

Far from Trump supporter spam and creepy fake celebrity porn , Reddit is still home to inspiring conversations, helpful information, and weird videos. The key is and always has been subscribing to the correct subreddits. The Lifehacker team shares our favorites below.

/ r / dataisbeautiful is full of creative (and, yes, often beautiful) data visualizations.

Beth Squarecki, health editor

I only read one subreddit: / r / RuPaulsDragRace . The fans are obsessed here. Trailers cut through frame by frame, they have conspiracy theories. Immediately after each episode aired, it is already filled with memes from that episode. It is a must-have resource for any Drag Race superfan.

Joel Kahn, Senior Video Producer

I just discoveredr / whereidthesodago and it is my favorite thing on the internet right now. It is a “subreddit for ads taken out of context in animated images.” Start with this post and you get the idea. Then check this and this and this . I shouldn’t give too much.

Michelle Wu, parenting editor

I love AskHistorians where anyone can ask a history question and (if people vote for it) a qualified historian will answer. Some of the most popular publications tell about the history of toy guns , about that , why country music is so white , was whether the Crown’s right about John Kennedy . The subreddit is heavily moderated, so the main answers are usually well researched and available to the general public. Historians usually point to further reading. Viewing the mostpopular posts is a great way to correct your misconceptions and make your story “real.”

Nick Douglas, staff writer

I read r / personalfinance and r / investing when I need inspiration or to see what people in the money community are talking about.

alisia adamchik, staff writer

/ r / MealTimeVideos are quality video essays to be found on YouTube, sometimes the latest Kurcegast, or campaign finance mini-document, there is no specific topic here, just videos to watch over dinner. / R / NatureIsFuckingLit – it’s just the best SIFCO about nature, memes, and the most amazing pictures and stories about animals.

Adam Powers, video producer

r / YouShouldKnow is one of my favorites. Redditors post tips that they find interesting and important to a good life. (Now as I type this, I understand what Lifehacker might have described.) Each post starts with “YSK” followed by what is essentially a lifehacker. Recent things you should be aware of include: ” Contactless credit cards have cumulative spending limits that are reset when you pay with a PIN” and “A completely free, highly detailed 3D human body map is available on the Internet.” Another Lifehackerish subreddit I like is r / TodayILearned , which is similar to r / YouShouldKnow but just for facts. There is even a post where you can read all about the difference between the two subreddits, which will save you the trouble with other know-it-alls.

Melissa Kirsch, Editor-in-Chief

I feel like it is one of the most popular, but I love r / XXFitness . Lots of varied and interesting training tips, moral support, and more, away from the sometimes rougher culture of lifting the larger r / Fitness subreddit. I don’t spend a lot of time on this, but I inevitably end up there if I’m looking for a question or trying to solve a problem, and it almost always gives.

Virginia K. Smith, Editor-in-Chief


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