Hide Your Keys Under Important Items so You Don’t Forget Them

If you accidentally leave important things at home while rushing out of the house in the morning, try hiding your keys under something you don’t want to forget.

Earlier this week , Reddit user opticianjuice suggested leaving keys on top of things you don’t want to forget. In particular, he leaves the car keys in the refrigerator along with his lunch box so as not to leave the house without lunch.

Several commenters went even further and suggested leaving the keys underneath something rather than on it.

The idea is that even if you leave the keys on top of these important documents or items that you want to take with you to the office, there is still a good chance that you can just grab the keys from the top of the said item and leave, leaving this card. for a colleague or a book you would like to lend to a friend.

When your brain thinks about “clues,” it’s easy to miss things nearby.

When your keys are under something, it forces you to pick it up, which will hopefully trigger “Oh! I wanted to bring this! “Thought that you do not leave this important subject behind.


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