Taking a Long Walk Is As Good for the Mind As It Is for the Body.

Welcome back to Mid-Week Meditations , Lifehacker’s weekly dip in the pool of stoic wisdom and a guide to using its waters to meditate and improve your life.

Selecting this week taken from the book of Seneca’s “On the peace of mind” (17.8). He says that walking is as nutritious for the mind as it is for the body:

“It is also good to go for a walk in the fresh air, so that our spirit is lifted and refreshed in the fresh air and fresh wind.”

Here’s another version:

“We should take wandering walks in the fresh air so that our mind can be nourished and refreshed by the open air and deep breathing.”

What does it mean

It’s good for you to go outside and take a walk. Your state of mind and spirit will improve if you get some fresh air.

What to take from there

There is no doubt that walking every day, even for 20 minutes or so, is good for your health . It makes the heart beat faster, muscles, burns calories, and tends to help avoid most of the dangers of an overly sedentary lifestyle. This should be enough to allow you to spend a little time each day getting up and moving.

However, if the reasons for your health aren’t enough, walking also improves your state of mind. It gives you the opportunity to clear your head and think. You can even try what I am doing and use walking as a time to meditate and reflect on what is happening in your life . If something is bothering you or you are faced with a particularly serious obstacle, go outside and walk. Walk and walk until you reach your goal. Each step brings you closer to the answer. Bonus points if you can surround yourself with some nature that will soothe your soul even more. Don’t run away from your problems, friend, go for a solution.

You can read the book for free Seneca “On the peace of mind” (also known as “On peace of mind») here .


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