How to Get Hit by a Car and Stay Alive

You go out into a street that you thought was empty – and you hear it. A car rushes towards you, tires screeching as the driver slams on the brakes. You have less than a second to react and save your life. Here’s what you do.

Before we get into that, know that your survivability when hit by any vehicle is highly dependent on the speed of that vehicle. If they move fast enough – 45 miles per hour or more – you won’t have time to react, and the force of the blunt blow will be too great for any human bone structure to overcome. However, there is nothing wrong with trying to dodge a car moving in your road.

The trick is to lift, jump, defend and roll . Accordingto professional stuntman Tammy Byrd , the most important thing is that you try to get on the hood of the car. Otherwise, you will bounce off the bumper or grill and again find yourself on the road, where you will land hard on the asphalt and possibly collide with it. So, lift your leg as close to the car as possible so that there is no weight on it. “This arrangement ensures that you are thrown up and not knocked down,” says Byrd.

Once you get into a raised stance, it’s time to jump . Lift up with support on your foot so that your butt or thigh first lands on the hood of the car. When you lower yourself onto the hood of your car, raise your hands up to protect your head. If possible,expand on impact on the hood to reduce the force of the impact.

After that, it’s time to ride . Get ready for the car to either roll you onto the windshield and over the car, or roll you off the hood because the car has stopped. Whichever direction you go, keep protecting your head. Remember: lift, jump, defend and roll.

When you have stopped moving, get up immediately if you can. You don’t want to stay outside and risk getting hit again. Ask the driver to stay there (write down his license plates and still take a picture of the car), call the police to report the incident, and then go to the hospital right away. Just because you are not feeling pain right now does not mean that you are not in pain. Don’t let the adrenaline rush fool you. Seek medical attention and examine yourself carefully.


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