Best Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas for the Very Lazy (30 of Them, You Bum)

Well, well … it’s time for the decisive one. You have googled “last minute”, “effortless” and “laziest Halloween costumes” and now you are here with me.

And I understand that. You don’t have the time, energy, or willpower to complete a “good” Halloween costume. But who can decide what “good” means at all, right? Isn’t simplicity good? What about a play on words? Isn’t it good to save some hard-earned money on a Halloween costume that’s so bad it’s good ?

If you only have a few minutes to put together something, here are 20 Halloween “costumes” that are so lazy they can be gorgeous. Disclaimer: We cannot be held responsible for any eye rolls you may have earned.

30 best and laziest Halloween costumes for 2021

  1. Liam, theteenager who just woke up . All you need is a blanket, tousled hair, and a lot of anxiety.
  2. Error 404: Suit not found. Write this on a piece of paper to attach to your shirt, or even use a marker on a white T-shirt to indicate the reason.
  3. Iron Man: Wear a plaque or tags with the same name that read “Fe” (symbol for iron).
  4. Conflicting Sports Fan: Wear a bunch of competing team logos. I take one friend’s Red Sox hat and another friend’s Phillies shirt and try not to be defeated.
  5. Rose hip. Wear everything that is pea green. Do a bunch of trendy references all night, like ” So … Squid Game is crazy, huh?”
  6. Caught in the act: Cover palms with red paint, makeup, or a marker (as long as the product says it’s safe for the skin). Whenever someone points out this, throw up your hands and shout, “I didn’t do that!”
  7. Logan Roy’s moral compass: don’t come to the party.
  8. Lean Shilajit: Partially wrap yourself in toilet paper.
  9. WFH: Wear a professional top and pajama pants. Really sell it by talking about how weird your Wi-Fi has been lately.
  10. Exhausted Plant Parent: Look disheveled, carry your houseplant with you like a baby, then panic if you’ve lost it.
  11. Chip on the shoulder: Place the chips on your shoulder. This one works best with salt and vinegar chips because salt and vinegar are the best flavor of all chips.
  12. Undercover ______: The key to undercover work is harmony. You can be a health inspector, detective, or poet.
  13. Identity Thief: Wear a name tag.
  14. Spice girl: Bring some cinnamon with you. Or pepper. Or, if you really like it, a spice mix.
  15. Pig in a Blanket: Imagine yourself as a pig and wrap yourself up in a blanket.
  16. “When life gives you lemons.” Put on the life sign and hand out the lemons.
  17. Hidden Blessing: The rule of thumb for all of these ideas is that good disguises can take any form. For a little effort, put on a blessing sign and then put on a fake mustache.
  18. Procrastinator: Done!
  19. Werewolf. Hey, there won’t be a full moon this Halloween.
  20. Any of Jim’s outfits from The Office.
  21. Damian from Mean Girls: Pull the hoodie over your head and practice saying, “She doesn’t even come here .”
  22. Tough Tourist: Put on your sneakers, take some pictures, and act like a local.
  23. Thief: Oh, do you think a thief should have a certain “look”? Open your eyes. If you really want to make a commitment, grab some of your child’s sweets for show.
  24. Post-therapy session: Get your eyes wet and carry a box of tissues with you. If you are truly committed, you can actually cry before the party.
  25. An Olympic athlete … who let himself go.
  26. You know, an international pop star who decided to remember again what it was like to be normal?
  27. An alter ego of a superhero who actually seeks to keep his identity a secret this time around.
  28. A puppet who was given the chance to be a real, normal person, and she would never risk spoiling her.
  29. Jolene from the song “Jolene: If you don’t have red hair, you can say that you are hiding from the vengeful Dolly Parton.
  30. And from my editor Joel Cunningham: “Glue crepe paper ribbons to each hand and walk like the Squid Game squid (I haven’t seen it).” I will call this costume “out of reach”.

This story was originally published on October 18, 2021, and has been updated on October 29 with additional costumes.


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