Find Out What Happens When You Quit Smoking With This Calculator

When you quit smoking, your body begins to function differently . In the short term, heart rate and blood pressure are self-regulating. Over the years, your risk of cancer and heart disease approaches that of nonsmokers. This calculator can give you specific dates when all this will happen if you quit smoking now .

Or, you know, tomorrow. List the date when you last smoke and check the results. I gave myself an imaginary habit of smoking and found that I would take back two years of my life (which is on average, okay?) If I quit smoking today. In early June, I ran out of my worst withdrawal symptoms and by 2028 my risk of lung cancer would be half what it would be if I continued to smoke.

You have to enter a few numbers to get the results: how much you smoke, how long you smoke, and how old you are. The calculator also asks if you are a man or a woman, because studies have shown that some changes occur at different rates: the risk of diabetes in women returns to normal after five years, and in men – after ten.

This is all in addition to the money you will save by not buying any more cigarettes. Quitting smoking is not easy, but knowing the benefits can help you muster the courage to give it a try.

Smoking Recovery Calculator | Omni Calculator


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