What You Need to Know When You First Practice Paddleboarding

Canoes and kayaks are always fun, but the trendiest boat rental these days is the stand-up surfboard or SUP. They are fun to paddle with and can provide excellent core workout as well.

The surfboard looks like a large surfboard. You are propelled with a single paddle, which looks like a very long canoe paddle (blade at the bottom, handle at the top). You can take your SUP into the ocean and ride the waves, which I have never done. You can also take a paddle board to a calm lake or river and ride it for the fun I have.

Here’s what you should know before you come to rent a board.

Expect to get wet.

My personal policy with regard to boats (even kayaks!) Is to prepare myself and everything I carry with me is guaranteed to fall. So I wear a swimsuit or quick-dry clothes and put my phone in a secure pocket in a waterproof case. or at least a bag with a zipper. However, you probably won’t fall … but put on a life jacket just in case.

Ask about the shoe situation.

When I first rode the surfboard, the rental office told us to wear sneakers or grippy water shoes. The second time it was a different rental location and they require everyone to walk barefoot. (If I had a choice, I would prefer barefoot.)

You can pin your stuff to the front of the board.

I’ve seen people with bags in front of them on the board, waterproof speakers playing tunes, even small dogs. However, remember our first rule of thumb (be prepared to get wet) and if you ever do take your dog with you – obviously not ideal for your first time aroundtake proper boating precautions for your dog .

Once you’re there, it’s time to paddle! Here are some tips for beginners to get started.

You don’t need to get up .

You can paddle on your knees or even sit cross-legged on the surface of the board. Kneeling is the safest way to approach the pier or anytime you are worried about a fall. You can also sit down when you’re tired or just because you feel like it (I find it very relaxing).

You row with your whole body.

You will need to engage the muscles in your arms and shoulders, core and legs. Consider putting the paddle in the water and using your abdominal and back muscles to pull yourself up to it.

If you learn the correct technique, you will only be able to row from one side .

First, you will make several movements to one side and notice that you are deviating from the course, and then switch. Watch astroking video like this to learn how to stay upright.

Once you get comfortable on the paddle board, try yoga with a paddle board – there, yes, the chance of falling is a little higher. It can be expensive because you pay for paddle rental and yoga classes, but if you get the chance, it’s worth it. If you want to try this on your own surfboard, be sure to grab the anchor (about $ 10 at fishing spots) so you don’t swim on the lake.


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