Read an E-Book in Chunks by Email With Bookman

In theory, reading an e-book is not difficult. You can access e-books on your phone (as well as a million other devices), so you can grab them and read a couple of pages whenever you want. Unless you do.

If you’re trying to read a little more but are having trouble getting this digital book, a service called Bookman can help.

With Bookman, you can download any ePub file and then receive it by email every day in chunks. Presumably, you read your email more diligently than e-books, which will mean that you will actually read part of this book every day (or at least you will be reminded that this is what you want to do). And it gives you the freedom to read wherever email is available.

Using the service requires you to have an ePub ePub file, which, depending on where you purchased it, may or may not have. The service has several titles that you can also choose from, such as 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and A Tale of Two Cities.

Subscribing to the service gives you the opportunity to read three books by email for free. After that, you need to buy “Bookman Tickets” for future editions. One ticket costs $ 2, but you can get three for $ 4. If it’s a service that works for you, it’s not a lot of money.

I signed up for Pride and Prejudice, which was split into 14 parts. That first letter had 6 chapters. It would be nice to break it down into smaller chunks, but that too can be adjusted by yourself. Nobody says you have to finish this letter in one sitting. You will get the next snippet when you finish the first one and press the button at the end.

Another solution to the “who is not reading” problem might be to simply set a reminder to read every day. Again, you can easily ignore this daily reminder, but it might just be what you need to get motivated to open this eBook every day.


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