Use the Extension to Move Your Work on a Sick Day

When you’re sick at work, there are often many things to do before you can sip some cough syrup and pass out on the couch next to your bowl of soup. Skip this job with this Siri shortcut.

Siri shortcuts let you tell Siri to do important tasks with just a few words as commands; they only work with iOS 12, so if that sounds appealing and you haven’t updated yet, now is the time. RoutineHub is a site that offers Siri shortcuts created by users and developers. The author @bachya offers his answer to the inherent weekend job.

Out Sick is a new shortcut that takes over most of this work by sending a bunch of email notifications to people expecting something from you, including:

Sends an email to all attendees of your scheduled appointments and informs them that you need to reschedule them.

Sends an email to all meeting owners whose meetings you have accepted and informs them that you cannot (bonus: each owner receives one email from you, no matter how many meetings they have on your calendar).

Adds a reminder to Next Day’s Reminders to remind you to go back to any missed appointments (which are included in the reminder itself).

The shortcut does not require any additional application. Just download it here and type “sick” into Siri. You may want to test its effectiveness before agreeing to this dream. Maybe try on the day you feel great and then just send.


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