Sometimes You Just Have an Emotional Cold.

If I have a fight with someone, especially someone who will not affect my life in any way, I know that for a while I will feel like shit, and that I need to stay low, or I will make things worse. And now I have the right words for that feeling: emotional coldness.

An emotional cold, says Man Repeller’s Hayley Nachman , is a kind of mental decline that occurs not because of clinical depression or an underlying lifestyle cause, but as a seasonal illness. I “catch” the emotional cold from conflict and confrontation; you can catch yours because of minor disappointments, the weather, or some hidden reason that you never know. But for the occasional emotional cold, you don’t need to figure it out. There is no cure.

You can just call it “mood.” But the metaphor for the common cold gives you a plan for survival: Don’t worry about the cold as a life-threatening illness, but don’t make it worse and try not to pass it on. Get some emotional relaxation and treat your symptoms with everyone’s favorite activity, which is accompanied by decorative tildes: ~~ self-care ~~. And there are tons of self-catering tips so you find what you like.

While you shouldn’t get hung up on treating your emotional cold, you can try to recognize the cause and deal with it. For me, this means refraining from further controversial conversations and engaging in conversations that are more emotionally relaxing. I take a break from any form of communication that pisses me off (usually talking with strangers on the Internet) and instead chat with a sympathetic friend – not about an argument or my feelings, but about anything that is unimportant and familiar that can make me feel yourself better.

Separating “emotional coldness” from a more serious or prolonged emotional disorder helps us deal with them more quickly and easily without making the situation worse. As Nachman says:

Just because some recessions are worth investigating for clues and action plans does not mean that every dark day is a reliable thermometer for my emotional well-being.

Have you ever had emotional colds? | Human Repeller


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