Consider First Aid After a Traumatic Event

When something traumatic happens, people have not only physical but also psychological needs. Mental health specialists at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas have volunteered to help after the Las Vegas shooting last year, and they recently told The Conversation what good mental health first looks like.

On that day, Michelle Paul, Heather Dahl and John A. Nixon from UNLV consulted us about injuries. Here’s what they said helped the evacuees they helped:

  • Physical and practical needs . In addition to medical care, this included blankets and trips home, and phone chargers so people could keep in touch with their loved ones.
  • Reliable information . When there are rumors and chaos reigns, reliable information is invaluable.
  • What to expect . It is not uncommon to have trouble sleeping, nervousness, or agitation after a traumatic situation. UNLV scientists also told their clients what symptoms, such as persistent anxiety, could mean they need extra professional help.
  • Where to look for help later . People may not immediately realize that they need help or what kind of help they need.
  • Coping strategies . Trauma survivors need ways to navigate their lives and try to feel safe again. This may include breathing and problem solving exercises to identify and avoid situations that may trigger traumatic memories.

What does not help most people is the “debriefing” session in which survivors spend hours talking about their experiences. It was once thought to prevent PTSD, and it can backfire, increase stress, and make recovery more difficult .

Ultimately, however, the most appropriate psychological first aid will vary from person to person. Scientists say: “Some of the people we worked with after the October 1 shooting needed to talk. Some needed to sit quietly. Some needed something to do and help. Some needed to spend the day alone. There are typical human stress responses to an abnormal event, but there is no prescribed path to healing. ”


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