Get Roadside Assistance With This App

When I was 17, my parents decided that I might have my own car. My mother bought this car new 10 years ago, but she didn’t look after it very well. This meant that when she decided to buy a new car and hand it over to me, she needed some pretty serious repairs. I vividly remember the fights I had with my parents when they tried to explain that paying a monthly car payment for a new car would be more affordable than spending thousands of dollars on car repairs.

I lost all of these arguments and so I became very familiar with AAA and towed my car home and to auto dealerships at least once every two months during most of my early years of driving until, luckily, one day I found a mechanic who refused fix the car because it was “stupid” and made him call my father to share the news. Unfortunately, this discovery came about a year after AAA decided I was draining the system too much and began to refuse to give me roadside assistance.

One thing I’ve learned from all my roadside failures is when you have a road emergency and it’s not near your home, figuring out who to go to for help and where to go to fix the problem can be a little daunting. task (especially in the days when I tried to do this, even before the advent of smartphones), especially when you lost (or decided not to pay) support for AAA.

If you are not using a service like AAA (or another similar service, through your credit card or auto insurance), then Blink can be a great app for solving such problems. The app offers nationwide real-time roadside assistance, which you can request in the same way you call Uber.

The app is available for 99.4% of US zip codes. With it, you can request to tow your vehicle, get help with a flat tire, start jerking, block the vehicle, or have someone deliver you gas. The tugs cost $ 79 for the first 5 miles and $ 5 for each additional mile. Everything else is $ 49.

Depending on where you are located, this price can be a hefty discount compared to what you would pay someone you unexpectedly call. It will also save you the hassle of finding the person to call first and jump straight to the part where you will be rescued.


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