33 Rules of the Art Critic

Art, as we all know, is about following a certain number of rules passed down to you by another person. The latest title New York Magazine, an art critic Jerry Saltz lists 33 steps , to become a great artist , and interestingly, how many do not ˙S he is ready to hand out. All of his refreshing, specific advice is optional at some level. And so they are useful if you are trying to be more creative.

It has a lot of meaningful tips that you should write on stickers and glue to the wall. Some of the best cues aren’t even one of Saltz’s 33 tips, it’s just support material. For instance:

  • “Nobody asks what Mozart means. Or an Indian raga, or a little touching dance by Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers to the song “Cheek to Cheek” at Top Hat. Forget about making things clear. “
  • “Do one Dali-style hockey painting or Kusama’s mini-installation to get that out of your system.”
  • “Your skills will be what you do differently.”
  • “If someone says that your work is like someone else’s and you should stop doing it, I say, don’t stop doing it. Do it again. Do this 100 or 1000 times. Then ask a trusted artist friend if your work still looks too much like another person’s art. If it still looks too much like someone else’s, try a different path. “
  • “List three artists whose work you despise. Make a list of five things you don’t like about each artist; be as specific as possible. Often, there is something you share in what these artists do. ”
  • “All art was once contemporary art. Never forget about it. “
  • “Accept that you are likely to be poor.”
  • “Artists must constantly communicate with their own kind. To keep yourself safe, create small gangs. Protect each other no matter what; this gang will let all of you go out and take over parts of the world. Protect the weakest artist in your gang because there are people in the gang who think you are the weakest. “

Would you believe this is just a small percentage of the insightful tips in this article? This! Read it all!

How to Become an Artist | Vulture


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