How to Use Alexa As an Advent Calendar

If you are celebrating Christmas, you are probably familiar with Advent calendars. The idea is that you open a small gift every day as part of the countdown to real Christmas.

When I was a kid, this top shelf version, and by that I mean the tastiest my parents have ever bought, meant getting a tiny piece of chocolate every night. Now you can buy them along with whiskey, beer, socks and everything else that you can consider the “gift” of the day. There is also a version of Alexa that can provide you with audible “gifts” during the countdown.

To access it, simply say “Alexa, open my gift” every day. Alexa will have a different reaction every day, from jokes and fun facts to musical interludes.

You can also use several Alexa skills for the Christmas calendar, although you’ll need to enable them first in the Alexa app.

To make you feel more religious, the Advent Calendar recites the verse of the day every day of the Adventist season and tells you what Advent day it is.

And if you want to joke all the time, Fun Advent Calendar will tell you Christmas-themed jokes every day. You can also select the previous day to hear your favorite joke again.


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