Duck Fried Capers Are Your New Favorite Topping

Crispy, salty meals can improve just about any situation. I was enjoying a trendy drink at a trendy cocktail bar one evening like a trendy lady, thinking about what a good evening I had when the bartender put in a mold of burst sorghum and fried capers, further enhancing the experience. … The sorghum was pretty good – it’s actually tiny popcorn! – but capers became a revelation to me.

The salty, slightly spicy and crunchy flower buds are not only a great cocktail snack, but they also bring joy to whatever you sprinkle on them. They are great for salad, chicken mixed with French fries, or sprinkled with baked potatoes. They are also incredibly easy to make. You can fry capers in any oil, but I used duck fat because it was there and I am very smart. To make them you will need:

  • Salted capers (as much as you like)
  • There is enough duck fat to form about an inch in the skillet or other utensils.

Heat oil over medium heat. While it is heating, drain the capers and let them dry on paper towels. (Water and oil are not very good friends, and tossing wet capers into hot oil can cause violent splashes.) After the oil has warmed up for five minutes or so, try making a dough caper. The petals should open up and darken in just 45 seconds. Once the butter is hot enough, pour the remaining capers into the butter, let them cook for 45 seconds, and use a slotted spoon on paper towels. Sprinkle them on anything that requires a little joy, or just eat them in handfuls.


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