Hack or Wack: Amy Klobuchar Salad Comb

Another day, another viral fake hack to fight against.

According to the New York Times, Minnesota Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar once got hungry and, without seeing any utensils, used a comb to eat salad on a plane.

“Hungry, without a fork and losing patience” is also, by the way, the title of my future memoirs.

But you’re not here for average jokes, are you? No, you’re here to see if this cookware change can be viewed as a kind of “hack”. As the owner of the hack, the responsibility for making this decision, of course, lies only with us and only with us. And I’ll be honest with you: Despite my typical supernatural ability to detect hacking in the wild , it’s difficult to analyze.

We all had the experience of being hungry, but didn’t have the utensils needed (or any utensils for that matter) to eat the food in front of us. In a situation like this, you do what you have to do to get the food in your mouth. If I were Senator Klobuchar, I would probably prefer to eat the salad with my fingers. This seems like a simple solution.

However, we are not aware of extenuating circumstances: perhaps the salad was indeed something like a tuna salad or an egg salad, in which case I would also not want to use my fingers. It may have been your standard salad, but it contained lentils or other small grains that are difficult to pick up with your fingers. In truth, we just don’t know the answer to these questions. Assuming this is a fairly clean comb, I admire her hard work in this situation. She was hungry and ate. So far this looks like a hack.

That is, until you analyze the situation as a whole. The reason this hacking trick has faded is due to reports of mistreatment of her staff. While I find the design of this genre of stories without Klobuchar generally dubious, I also think we can agree that … it is inappropriate to have your employee peel a salad scallop. I know this is a unique situation and I’m not an etiquette specialist, but it looks like you should cleanse yourself yourself.

Maybe the hacking was in the staff she hired along the way? In any case:

Verdict: not a hack. Hence wack.

It was Hack or Wack . Mute comments.


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