How to Look More Awake

I sleep badly.

The light wakes me up, like any car passing by my apartment. I usually fall asleep an hour later, writhing in bed, trying to find the perfect sleeping position (which I’m sure doesn’t exist). I am always tired during the day, even though I drink at least four cups of coffee.

On more than one occasion in college, I pretended not to sleep by keeping one eye open and making constant eye contact with my professor and letting the other rest (and alternating).

In other words, I am good at trying to wake up, although this is definitely not the case. If you’re struggling not to yawn during a meeting or keep both eyes open in front of your computer, here are some tips to look (and feel) awake when you need it most.

Splashing cold water on your face

Cold water can tighten pores , make your skin smoother, and make it look like you are awake.

Likewise, a cold shower in the morning reduces stress, improves circulation, and helps you stay awake. Drinking water regularly can also help you stay alert as dehydration can lead to fatigue.

Treat skin problems with an exfoliant and toner

When you don’t get enough sleep, you are likely to find a buildup of oil on your skin (you are also more likely to get acne ). Solve both problems with a good exfoliant to help exfoliate dead skin, as GQ recommends. After that, use a tonic that will rid you of the excess oil so that you become more like a normal presentable person in the office.

Use a moisturizer for dryness

To avoid dryness and flaking, use a good moisturizer (ideally light, odorless). This will help get rid of dark spots or bumps on your face after a long night. Look for non-comedogenic, no oil to keep from breaking out (I’ve been there and it’s frustrating). It doesn’t have to be an expensive brand as a number of pharmacies sell good and cheap options.

Take a walk

Instead of tormenting yourself at your desk, take a short five-minute walk around your office every hour. It can improve your mood, reduce fatigue, and even help relieve hunger attacks. It will alsoincrease your heart rate , bring some color back to your face, and support you, at least for a while. It will also prove to your colleagues that you can still stand! Exposure to sunlight also improves productivity, so go outside if you can, or to a window.

Sit straight

Sometimes all you need to look more awake is to think more awake. It sounds simple enough, but improving your posture by sitting up straight and keeping your feet on the ground is a good tactic to get through the day. You force yourself to stay put and stay alert (it also improves mood and increases productivity ). When you’re too comfortable slouching and all, you’ll want to take a nap, so when in doubt, think straight.

Cool bags under your eyes

If you’re desperate to hide bags under your eyes, try chilling them with an ice pack or cold spoon for at least 20 minutes. This can reduce the swelling of the blood vessels under the eyes (which gives the appearance of tiredness). Bags under the eyes are often hereditary, so while you may never get rid of them permanently, it will help improve their appearance.


If all else fails (and you have a spare room), take a nap . Nothing beats sleeping when you need to stay awake. Sleep can have immediate benefits for learning, memory, and productivity, but whatever you do, limit it to 30 minutes. A little more, and you risk feeling more relaxed than ever (and who needs it?).


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