What Is Tetanus?

Rusty nails have been linked to tetanus, but the disease is actually caused by bacteria and has nothing to do with rust. Here’s your tutorial on what tetanus is and how to avoid it (spoiler alert: there’s a vaccine).

Tetanus is a terrible disease

Tetanus is also known as “trismus” because it can cause spasms in the muscles that cover the mouth. But these spasms are just the beginning, and as tetanus wears off, it can lead to painful contractions of muscles throughout the body that are strong enough to break bones. If you or a loved one starts showing symptoms of tetanus, seek immediate medical attention.

Recently, an Oregon boy contracted the disease by cutting his head while playing on the family’s farm. Muscle spasms began six days later. He was in hospital for eight weeks and had over $ 800,000 spent on medical care. One in ten people with tetanus dies from it . This boy is one of the lucky ones.

It is caused by bacteria

Rusty nails aren’t the only place to get tetanus. It is caused by the bacteria Clostridium tetani , which is found almost everywhere. It is found in soil, dust, and faeces from humans and animals.

Tetanus bacteria grow best when they are not exposed to oxygen, so deep wounds are especially dangerous. A rusty nail is a classic example of a place to get tetanus, because if you find a rusty nail while playing, it is likely covered in dust or dirt; and this can cause a deep puncture wound where germs can multiply. Rust has nothing to do with it.

There is a vaccine and it is needed every 10 years.

Fortunately, tetanus protection is included in the DTaP vaccine, which children receive in multiple doses (at 2, 4 and 6 months, then again at an early age and before kindergarten). The Oregon boy was not vaccinated.

Protection wears off over time, so we should all get a booster every 10 years. Traditionally, this has been the TD vaccine , which provides protection against both tetanus and diphtheria , but the Tdap vaccine provides both protection against whooping cough (whooping cough). The Tdap shot is now also recommended during pregnancy as it can provide the newborn with antibodies against whooping cough.

Protection from childhood pertussis vaccine wears off over time, so if you’ve never had a Tdap shot, ask when you need to get your next tetanus shot. If you can’t remember the last time you got your tetanus shot, you may need to. Ask your doctor or pharmacist – the shot is available ( and usually free ) at most pharmacies.


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