What’s in Store for and Out of Netflix in the Week of April 8, 2019

Bear Grylls is literally between a rock and a hard place this week, and you can choose his own adventure in the bluntly titled You Against the Wilds (Wednesday) interactive series . Should he climb to the top of the cliff from which he is hanging and come face to face with a hungry mountain lion, or jump into a rocky abyss? Should you eat the giant live larva or leave it alone? “If you don’t make the right choice, it could end badly for me,” he warns in the trailer, suggesting that if you make the wrong choice, he will die, which I think we can all agree, an empty promise. That said, if any type of series lends itself to gamification and interactivity, it’s definitely one in which you can decide if a person is walking on icy space or crawling.

Comedian Gad Elmaleh stars in the TV series ” Huge in France” (Friday), in which the joke is that “Jerry Seinfeld from France” is moving to the United States, and no one knows who he is and shows no respect for him … It looks funny, but after last year’s wave ofpodcast interviews with Almaleh, seeing how wild it is that he “can’t walk down the street” – famous in one country, while Americans don’t know about his fame, is gets a little shabby. And David Hasselhoff is famous in Germany! Isn’t the world big and crazy?

Arrival this week

April 9, Tuesday

Wednesday April 10th

Thursday 11 April

Friday 12 April

Leaving this week

Leaving April 13

  • Video Game High School: Seasons 1-3


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