Lifehacker’s 30 Favorite Classic Films That Don’t Hold Up

Earlier this week, I asked you which films you love that don’t hold water if you take away the nostalgia . To illustrate this, I used an example from Steven Spielberg’s 1991 film The Hook , in which Robin Williams rides in a Peter Pan costume on a set that looks more like a Disneyland ride than a theme park. As I knew it was going to happen, there were a lot of comments from people yelling at me for criticizing this undeniable, irrefutable classic of my youth. Because that’s the point – it’s not always obvious where your own blind spots of nostalgia are, even if they’re easy to spot in the tastes of others. And boy, many of you have a lot to say about the films you’ve always found incredibly loved. However, some others were able to look back more critically, admitting that films they thought were flawless and endlessly revisited are actually pretty bad – even if they still enjoy watching them. any movie can really be “good” or “bad” because art is completely a matter of taste and who am I to suggest people make mistakes by saying that the movie is not bad. And to these people I say: welcome to the Internet. Anyway, here are 30 films that our readers believe have not stood the test of time. I mostly agree, with the exception of Citizen Kane . I mean really.


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